All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- abort(String) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Abort the protocol with a specified error message
- abort(String, Exception, long) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Abort the protocol with a specified error message, exception, and session ID.
- aliases - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Principal
Mapping agent aliases
- aliases - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Mapping of aliases for protocol roles.
- aliasExists(String) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Check is an agent's alias is stored in the key stores accessible to the cryptographic engine
- ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_Layers
AnBx Debug/Logging layer that is always active.
- AnB_ChannelType - Enum Class in anbxj
AnB channel type enumerator
- AnB_CheckFailedException - Exception Class in anbxj
Failed checks exception
- AnB_CheckFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception class anbxj.AnB_CheckFailedException
generic constructor to throw an exception with a message for AnB protocols
- AnB_CheckFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class anbxj.AnB_CheckFailedException
generic constructor to throw a specific exception with a message for AnB protocols
- AnB_Crypto_Wrapper - Class in anbxj
Cryptographic API: implements a class supporting cryptographic operations (a wrapper for the cryptographic engine)
- AnB_Crypto_Wrapper(Crypto_EncryptionEngine) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Create a AnB_Crypto_Wrapper for a specified cryptographic engine
- AnB_Crypto_Wrapper(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Create a AnB_Crypto_Wrapper for a specified key store setting map
- AnB_Crypto_Wrapper(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map, Crypto_Config) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Create a AnB_Crypto_Wrapper for a specified key store setting map and cryptographic configuration
- AnB_Principal - Class in anbxj
AnB Principal: A concrete principal for AnB/AnBx protocols.
- AnB_Principal(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map, Map<String, Channel_Settings>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnB_Principal
Constructor for AnB_Principal with specified key store settings, channel settings, and aliases.
- AnB_Principal(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map, Map<String, Channel_Settings>, Map<String, String>, Crypto_Config) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnB_Principal
Constructor for AnB_Principal with specified key store settings, channel settings, aliases, and configuration.
- AnB_Principal(String, String, Map<String, Channel_Settings>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnB_Principal
Constructor for AnB_Principal with specified alias, path, channel settings, and aliases.
- AnB_Principal(String, String, Map<String, Channel_Settings>, Map<String, String>, Crypto_Config) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnB_Principal
Constructor for AnB_Principal with specified alias, path, channel settings, aliases, and configuration.
- AnB_Protocol<S,
R> - Class in anbxj -
AnB Protocol: an abstract class for defining AnB protocols
- AnB_Protocol() - Constructor for class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Default constructor
- AnB_Session - Class in anbxj
AnB Session: implements a protocol session supporting cryptographic operations
- AnB_Session(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map, Channel_Settings, boolean, Crypto_Config) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnB_Session
Constructs a new AnB_Session with the specified parameters.
- AnB_Session(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map, Channel_Settings, AnBx_Agent, Crypto_Config) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnB_Session
Constructs a new AnB_Session with the specified parameters.
- AnB_Session(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map, Channel_Settings, String, Crypto_Config) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnB_Session
Constructs a new AnB_Session with the specified parameters.
- AnBx_Agent - Class in anbxj
AnBx Agent
- AnBx_Agent(String) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_Agent
Constructs an AnBx_Agent with the specified alias.
- AnBx_Agent(String, AnB_Crypto_Wrapper) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_Agent
Constructs an AnBx_Agent with the specified alias and certificates from a Crypto_Wrapper.
- AnBx_Agent(String, AnB_Session) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_Agent
Constructs an AnBx_Agent with the specified alias and certificates from a Session.
- AnBx_Agent(String, Map<Crypto_KeyStoreType, Certificate>) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_Agent
Constructs an AnBx_Agent with the specified alias and certificates.
- AnBx_ChannelMode - Class in anbxj
AnBx Channel Mode: A class to store AnBx channel modes.
- AnBx_ChannelMode(AnBx_Agent, AnBx_Agent, AnBx_Agent[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelMode
Constructor for AnBx_ChannelMode.
- AnBx_ChannelType - Enum Class in anbxj
An enumerator for AnBx channel types.
- AnBx_CommandLine_Parser<R,
C> - Class in anbxj -
An abstract class for parsing command line arguments.
- AnBx_CommandLine_Parser(String[], String, String, Class<R>, boolean) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Create a AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
- AnBx_CommandLine_Parser(String[], String, String, Class<R>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Create a AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
- AnBx_Debug - Class in anbxj
AnBx Debug/Logging utility
- AnBx_Debug() - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Default constructor
- AnBx_Layers - Enum Class in anbxj
AnBx Debug/Logging layers.
- AnBx_Params - Class in anbxj
AnBx Params: implements a tuple as an array of serializable objects
- AnBx_Params(Object...) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_Params
AnBx_Params constructor
- AnBx_Principal - Class in anbxj
AnBx Principal: an abstract agent for AnBx protocols This abstract class represents a principal agent in the AnBx protocols It extends the AnB_Principal class and serves as a foundation for specific AnBx protocol implementations
- AnBx_Principal(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map, Map<String, Channel_Settings>, Map<String, String>, Crypto_Config) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_Principal
Constructor for AnBx Principal.
- AnBx_Principal(String, String, Map<String, Channel_Settings>, Map<String, String>, Crypto_Config) - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_Principal
Constructor for AnBx Principal with specified alias and path
- AnBx_Protocol<S,
R> - Class in anbxj -
AnBx Protocol: an abstract class for defining AnBx protocols
- AnBx_Protocol() - Constructor for class anbxj.AnBx_Protocol
Default constructor
- anbxj - package anbxj
An experimental cryptographic library used as run time support for the AnBx Compiler and Code Generator
- anonymize() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_HmacPair
Anonymizes the HMAC pair by removing the public secret key.
- APPLICATION - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_Layers
AnBx Debug/Logging layer for application-related operations.
- asymBlockLengthDec - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
Length of the asymmetric encryption block for decryption
- asymBlockLengthEnc - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
Length of the asymmetric encryption block for encryption
- asymCipherSchemeBlock - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
Asymmetric encryption scheme block mode (experimental)
- asymCipherSchemeBlock - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The asymmetric cipher scheme block.
- asymEncProvider - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The provider for signature algorithm.
- AUTH - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelType
Authentication channel type in AnBx.
- AUTH_MUTUAL - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelType
Mutual authentication channel type in AnBx.
- AUTH_SECRET - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelType
Authentication with secret channel type in AnBx.
- BUSINESS_LOGIC - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_Layers
AnBx Debug/Logging layer for business logic-related operations.
- Channel - Class in anbxj
An abstract class for Channel
- Channel() - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel
Default constructor for Channel class
- Channel_Abstraction - Class in anbxj
Channel Abstraction: a class abstracting TCP/IP channel
- Channel_Abstraction(Channel_Properties) - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_Abstraction
Constructor for Channel Abstraction.
- Channel_Client - Class in anbxj
Client Channel
- Channel_Client(Channel_Properties) - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_Client
create a channel client
- Channel_Properties - Class in anbxj
Channel Properties: Represents the properties of a communication channel.
- Channel_Properties() - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Default constructor for Channel_Properties.
- Channel_Properties(Channel_Settings) - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Constructor for Channel_Properties with specified channel settings.
- Channel_Properties(Channel_Settings, Crypto_KeyStoreSettings) - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Constructor for Channel_Properties with specified channel settings and key store settings.
- Channel_Properties(Channel_Settings, Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map) - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Constructor for Channel_Properties with specified channel settings and key store settings map.
- Channel_Roles - Enum Class in anbxj
Channel Roles
- Channel_Server - Class in anbxj
Server Channel
- Channel_Server(Channel_Properties) - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_Server
Constructor for Channel_Server.
- Channel_Server_Runnable - Class in anbxj
A channel server implementing the Runnable interface.
- Channel_Server_Runnable(Socket, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_Server_Runnable
Constructor for Channel_Server_Runnable.
- Channel_Settings - Class in anbxj
Represents settings for a communication channel.
- Channel_Settings(Channel_Roles, String, int) - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_Settings
PLAIN channel settings
- Channel_Settings(Channel_SSLChannelType, Channel_Roles, String, int) - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_Settings
Standard channel settings, without SSL context specification
- Channel_Settings(Channel_SSLChannelType, Channel_Roles, String, int, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_Settings
Channel_Settings Constructor
- Channel_SSLChannelType - Enum Class in anbxj
Enumeration representing different types of SSL channels.
- Channel_SSLContextBuilder - Class in anbxj
A class used to build an SSLContext for creating SocketFactory.
- Channel_SSLContextBuilder(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Channel_SSLContextBuilder
Constructs a Channel_SSLContextBuilder with the given Crypto_KeyStoreSettings.
- checkDigest(Object, Crypto_ByteArray) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Checks if a given digest matches the calculated digest of an object.
- checkHmac(Object, Crypto_ByteArray, SecretKey) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Check a hmac value of a given object computed with the default hashing algorithm and a specified secret key
- checkHmacPair(Object, Crypto_HmacPair) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Verifies the integrity of an HMAC pair.
- checkHmacPairRnd(Object, Crypto_HmacPair, SecretKey) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Verifies the integrity of an HMAC pair using a secret key as a randomizer.
- checkHmacValue(Object, Crypto_ByteArray, SecretKey) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Verifies the integrity of an HMAC value.
- checkPort() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Abstraction
Checks if the provided port is within the valid range.
- cipherScheme - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
Cipher Algorithm Name/Cipher Algorithm Mode/Cipher Algorithm Padding (Symmetric Encryption)
- cipherScheme - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The cipher scheme.
- cipherSchemeProvider - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The provider for cipher scheme.
- client - Variable in class anbxj.Channel_Server
The client socket used for communication.
- CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Channel_Roles
Client role
- clientSocket - Variable in class anbxj.Channel_Server_Runnable
The client socket.
- Close() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Session
Closes the session by closing the channel and logging the closure.
- Close() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Abstraction
Close channel streams
- Close() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Client
- Close() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Server
Closes the server channel.
- configFile - Static variable in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Configuration file, set via command line parameters.
- containsAlias(String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Checks if the key store builder contains a specific alias.
- containsAlias(String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map
Checks if the given alias exists in any of the Keystores.
- containsAlias(String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
Checks if the given alias exists in the remote keystore.
- cp - Variable in class anbxj.Channel_Abstraction
Properties specific to the channel.
- Crypto_ByteArray - Class in anbxj
Byte Array: a custom implementation of a byte array, used to store the result of various cryptographic functions
- Crypto_ByteArray(byte[]) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_ByteArray
Constructs a Crypto_ByteArray with the given byte array.
- Crypto_ByteArray(byte[], String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_ByteArray
Constructs a Crypto_ByteArray with the given byte array and comment.
- crypto_config - Static variable in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Configuration for cryptography, set via command line parameters.
- Crypto_Config - Class in anbxj
An abstract class for encryption configuration.
- Crypto_Config() - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Constructs a Crypto_Config object with default values.
- Crypto_Config(String, int, String, String, int, String, int, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Constructs a Crypto_Config object with a global provider.
- Crypto_Config(String, int, String, String, int, String, int, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Constructs a Crypto_Config object with all the fine-grained providers.
- Crypto_Config(Properties) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Constructs a Crypto_Config object from the properties specified in the given configuration file.
- Crypto_Config_Default - Class in anbxj
Default values for cryptographic engine configuration.
- Crypto_Config_Default() - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
Default constructor
- Crypto_EncryptionEngine - Class in anbxj
Cryptographic engine
- Crypto_EncryptionEngine(Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Constructor for Crypto_EncryptionEngine.
- Crypto_EncryptionEngine(Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map, Crypto_Config) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Constructor for Crypto_EncryptionEngine.
- Crypto_HmacPair - Class in anbxj
A class to store the result of an HMAC operation along with metadata about the used algorithm.
- Crypto_HmacPair(Crypto_ByteArray, Crypto_SealedPair, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_HmacPair
Constructs a Crypto_HmacPair with the specified parameters.
- Crypto_HmacPair(Crypto_ByteArray, SecretKey, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_HmacPair
Constructs a Crypto_HmacPair with the specified parameters.
- Crypto_KeyPair - Class in anbxj
Represents a public/private key pair.
- Crypto_KeyPair(String, int) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_KeyPair
Constructs a Crypto_KeyPair with the specified key algorithm and size.
- Crypto_KeyPair(String, int, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_KeyPair
Constructs a Crypto_KeyPair with the specified key algorithm, size and provider.
- Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder - Class in anbxj
Keystore builder
- Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
Constructs a Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder with the given Crypto_KeyStoreSettings.
- Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map - Class in anbxj
Keystore builder mapping key stores and their type/purpose
- Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map
Constructs a Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map with the given key store settings map.
- Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map(Map<Crypto_KeyStoreType, Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder>) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map
Constructs a Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map with the given map of key stores.
- Crypto_KeyStoreSettings - Class in anbxj
Keystore Settings
- Crypto_KeyStoreSettings(String, String, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Constructs a Crypto_KeyStoreSettings object.
- Crypto_KeyStoreSettings(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Constructs a Crypto_KeyStoreSettings object with specified parameters.
- Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map - Class in anbxj
A class mapping key stores and their type/purpose.
- Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map(String, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map
Constructs a Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map with the specified path and alias for keystore settings.
- Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map(Map<Crypto_KeyStoreType, Crypto_KeyStoreSettings>) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map
Constructs a Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map with the specified map of keystore settings.
- Crypto_KeyStoreType - Enum Class in anbxj
Enumerates key stores for different key purposes in the cryptographic API.
- Crypto_OutputMode - Enum Class in anbxj
Defines output mode of various cryptographic operations
- Crypto_ProviderInformation - Class in anbxj
This class allows printing information about supported cryptographic providers and algorithms for the installed JRE/JDK.
- Crypto_ProviderInformation() - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_ProviderInformation
Default constructor.
- Crypto_SealedPair - Class in anbxj
Represents a sealed pair of objects (key, message) used for encryption.
- Crypto_SealedPair(SealedObject, SealedObject, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_SealedPair
Constructs a Crypto_SealedPair with the specified sealed key, message, and cipher scheme.
- Crypto_SealedPair(SealedObject, SealedObject, String, Crypto_ByteArray) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_SealedPair
Constructs a Crypto_SealedPair with the specified sealed key, message, cipher scheme, and digest.
- Crypto_SignedPair - Class in anbxj
Represents a signed pair of objects (SignedObject, Object) used for digital signatures.
- Crypto_SignedPair(SignedObject, Object, String) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_SignedPair
Constructs a Crypto_SignedPair with the specified SignedObject, object, and signature scheme.
- Crypto_TimeStampException - Exception Class in anbxj
Failed time stamp exception
- Crypto_TimeStampException() - Constructor for exception class anbxj.Crypto_TimeStampException
Default constructor
- Crypto_TimeStampValidator - Class in anbxj
A class for time stamp validation
- Crypto_TimeStampValidator() - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_TimeStampValidator
Construct a validator that rejects messages more than five minutes old
- Crypto_TimeStampValidator(long) - Constructor for class anbxj.Crypto_TimeStampValidator
Public constructor.
- ct - Static variable in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Default SSL channel type, overridden by command line parameters.
- currentTimeMsec() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_TimeStampValidator
Get the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
- decrypt(Crypto_SealedPair) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Decrypts a Crypto_SealedPair with the private key from the default key store associated to current agent
- decrypt(Crypto_SealedPair, Crypto_KeyPair) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Decrypts a Crypto_SealedPair with the private key from a specified key pair
- decrypt(Crypto_SealedPair, Crypto_KeyPair) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Decrypts a sealed pair using the provided key pair.
- decrypt(Crypto_SealedPair, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Decrypts a Crypto_SealedPair with the private key from a specified key store associated to current agent
- decrypt(Crypto_SealedPair, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Decrypts a sealed pair using the provided key store type.
- decrypt(SealedObject, SecretKey) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Decrypts a SealedObject with a specified symmetric key
- decrypt(SealedObject, SecretKey) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Decrypts a sealed object using the provided symmetric key.
- decryptAsymPK(SealedObject, PrivateKey) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Decrypts a sealed object using the provided private key.
- DECRYPTED_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Crypto_OutputMode
Output Mode Decrypted Object
- DEFAULT_MAX_TIMESTAMP_AGE - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_TimeStampValidator
The default maximum age of time stamps is 15 minutes.
- DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_WINDOW - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_TimeStampValidator
The default time stamp window
- dhRndExpSize - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
Random Exponent length in bit for Diffie-Hellman key agreement
- dhRndExpSize - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The Diffie-Hellman random exponent size.
- ecGenParameterSpec - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
Elliptic Curve.
- ecGenParameterSpec - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The Elliptic Curve.
- ee - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
the cryptographic engine
- enc - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
KeyStore type encryption
- encrypt(Object, Crypto_KeyPair) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Encrypts an object with the public key of a specified key pair
- encrypt(Object, String) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Encrypts an object with a public key retrieved from the default key store associated to an user identified by an alias
- encrypt(Object, String, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Encrypts an object with a public key retrieved from a specified key store associated to an user identified by an alias
- encrypt(Object, String, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Encrypts an object with the specified alias and key store type.
- encrypt(Object, PublicKey) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Encrypts an object with a specified public key
- encrypt(Object, PublicKey) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Encrypts an object with the provided public key.
- encrypt(Object, SecretKey) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Encrypts an object with a specified symmetric key
- encrypt(Object, SecretKey) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Encrypts an object with the provided symmetric key and returns the sealed object.
- encryptCompare(Object, String, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Encrypts an object with a symmetric key, and also computes a digest for comparison.
- ENCRYPTION - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_Layers
AnBx Debug/Logging layer for encryption-related operations.
- eqCheck(Object, Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if two objects are equal without a specific label.
- eqCheck(Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if two objects are equal with a flag indicating possible failure.
- eqCheck(String, Object, Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if two objects are equal with a specified label.
- eqCheck(String, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if two objects are equal with a specified label and a flag indicating possible failure.
- equals(Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Agent
- equals(Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Params
- equals(Object) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_ByteArray
- equals(Object) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SealedPair
- equals(Object) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SignedPair
- equals(Object) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_TimeStampValidator
- EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_Layers
AnBx Debug/Logging layer for handling exceptions.
- exchange_identities - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Principal
Flag to automatically exchange identities during session if set to true
- executeStep(AnB_Session, S) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Abstract method to execute a step in the AnB protocol.
- FRESH_AUTH - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelType
Fresh authentication channel type in AnBx.
- FRESH_AUTH_SECRET - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelType
Fresh authentication with secret channel type in AnBx.
- getAlgorithm() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_HmacPair
Gets the HMAC algorithm.
- getAlias() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Get the alias for the current role.
- getAppname() - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Retrieve the application name
- getasymCipherSchemeBlock() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the asymmetric cipher scheme block.
- getasymEncProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the provider for asymmetric encryption algorithm.
- getByteArray() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_ByteArray
Gets the byte array.
- getCert(Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Agent
Retrieves the certificate associated with the specified Crypto_KeyStoreType.
- getCertificateType() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Gets the certificate type.
- getCertPath() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
Retrieves the certificate path from the local keystore.
- getChannel() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Session
Gets the current channel.
- getChannelRole() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Abstraction
Gets the role of the channel.
- getChannelRole() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Get the role of the communication channel.
- getChannelRole() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Settings
Gets the role of the channel.
- getChannelSettings() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Get the channel settings for the communication channel.
- getChannelType() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Get the channel type for the communication channel.
- getChannelType() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Settings
Gets the type of the channel.
- getCipherScheme() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the cipher scheme.
- getCipherScheme() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SealedPair
Returns the cipher scheme used.
- getCipherSchemeProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the provider for the cipher scheme.
- getConfigFile() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Loads the properties from the config file
- getDest() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelMode
Get the destination agent of the channel mode.
- getDhRndExpSize() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the Diffie-Hellman random exponent size.
- getEcGenParameterSpec() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the Elliptic Curve.
- getEnabledCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Get the enabled cipher suites for the communication channel.
- getEnabledCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Settings
Gets the enabled cipher suites based on the channel type.
- getHashValue() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_HmacPair
Gets the hash value.
- getHmacAlgorithm() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the HMAC algorithm.
- getHmacKey() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Generates a HMAC secret key
- getHmacKey() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Generates a secret key for HMAC.
- getHmacProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the provider for HMAC algorithm.
- getHost() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Get the host of the communication channel.
- getHost() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Settings
Gets the host of the channel.
- getId_Remote() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Session
Gets the remote identity (AnBx_Agent).
- getInfo() - Static method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Prints information about the cryptographic engine including supported algorithms
- getInfo() - Static method in enum class anbxj.Channel_SSLChannelType
Returns information about SSL Channel Types.
- getInfo() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Prints debug information about the crypto configuration.
- getInfo() - Static method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Displays information about available providers and algorithms.
- getK() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_HmacPair
Gets the sealed pair.
- getKeyAgreementAlgorithm() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the key agreement algorithm.
- getKeyAgreementKeyPairGenerationScheme() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the key pair generation scheme for key agreement algorithm.
- getKeyAgreementProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the provider for key agreement algorithm.
- getKeyEx_KeyPair() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Generates a key exchange key pair for the default key agreement algorithm
- getKeyEx_KeyPair() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Generates a key pair for key exchange based on the configured key agreement algorithm.
- getKeyEx_PublicKey(KeyPair) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Retrieves the public key from a specified key exchange key pair
- getKeyEx_PublicKey(KeyPair) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Retrieves the public key from a key pair generated for key exchange.
- getKeyEx_SecretKey(PublicKey, KeyPair) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Retrieves the secret key from a specified key exchange key pair and associated public key
- getKeyEx_SecretKey(PublicKey, KeyPair) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Retrieves the secret key for key exchange based on the public and private keys.
- getKeyGenerationScheme() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the key generation scheme.
- getkeyGenerationSchemePBEProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the provider for PBE key generation.
- getkeyGenerationSchemeProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the provider for key generation.
- getKeyGenerationSize() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the key generation size.
- getKeyPair() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Generates a key pair for the default public key algorithm
- getKeyPair() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Generates a key pair.
- getKeyPair_PublicKey(Crypto_KeyPair) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Gets the public key from a key pair.
- getKeyPairGenerationProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the provider for key pair generation.
- getKeyPairGenerationScheme() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the key pair generation scheme.
- getKeyPairGenerationSize() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the key pair generation size.
- getKeySize() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the key size.
- getKeyStoreBuilder(Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map
Gets the Keystore builder for the specified Keystore type.
- getKeyStoreSettings() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Get the key store settings for the communication channel.
- getKeyStoreSettings(Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map
Get the keystore settings for the specified keystore type.
- getKeyStoreSettings_Map() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Retrieve the default Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map for the current cryptographic engine
- getKeyStoreSettings_Map() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Retrieves the key store settings map.
- getKeyStoreSettings_Map() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map
Gets the key store settings map.
- getKeyStoreSettings_Map() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map
Get the map of keystore settings.
- getKeyStoreType() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Gets the key store type.
- getKss() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
Gets the Crypto_KeyStoreSettings.
- getLength() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_ByteArray
Gets the length of the byte array.
- getLocaleCertificate() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
Gets the local certificate.
- getLocaleCertificate(Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Retrieves the local certificate for a specified key store type.
- getLocaleCertificates() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Retrieves a map of local certificates for different key store types.
- getLocaleCertificates() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map
Gets the local certificates from all Keystores.
- getLocalKeyStore() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Gets the local key store path.
- getLocalPrivateKey() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
Gets the local private key.
- getMessageDigestAlgorithm() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the message digest algorithm.
- getMessageDigestProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the provider for message digest algorithm.
- getMessageDigestSignatureAlgorithm() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the message digest signature algorithm.
- getMyAlias() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
Gets the alias of the key.
- getMyAlias() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Gets the alias used in the keystore.
- getMyAlias(Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Retrieves the alias associated with a key store type.
- getMyIdentity() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Retrieve the identity of the current agent
- getName() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Returns the agent name associated with this for the current AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
- getName() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Agent
- getNonce() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Generates a fresh nonce
- getNonce() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Generates and retrieves a nonce (number used once).
- getOrig() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelMode
Get the origin agent of the channel mode.
- getPassphraseLocalKeyStore() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Gets the passphrase for the local keystore.
- getPassphrasePrivateKeyLocalKeyStore() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Gets the passphrase for the private key in the local keystore.
- getPassphraseRemoteKeyStore() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Gets the passphrase for the remote keystore.
- getPort() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Get the port of the communication channel.
- getPort() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Settings
Gets the port of the channel.
- getPrivateKey() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyPair
Gets the private key in the key pair.
- getPublicKey() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyPair
Gets the public key in the key pair.
- getPublicKey(Crypto_KeyPair) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Retrieves the public key from a specified key pair
- getPublicKey(String, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Retrieve a public key associated to an agent's alias for a specified Crypto_KeyStoreType
- getPublicKey(String, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Retrieves the public key associated with the specified alias and key store type.
- getRemoteCertificate(String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
Gets the remote certificate with the specified alias.
- getRemoteCertificate(String, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Retrieve the certificate associated to an agent's alias for a specified Crypto_KeyStoreType
- getRemoteCertificate(String, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Retrieves the remote certificate associated with a specified alias and key store type.
- getRemoteCertificates(String) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Retrieve the certificates associated to an agent's alias
- getRemoteCertificates(String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Retrieves a map of remote certificates associated with a specified alias.
- getRemoteCertificates(String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder_Map
Gets the remote certificates for the given alias from all Keystores.
- getRemoteKeyStore() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Gets the path of the remote keystore.
- getRemotePublicKey(String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
Gets the remote public key with the specified alias.
- getRole() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Get the role name
- getRoleShare(Class<R>) - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Gets the role used to share information during the protocol setup
- getRootCA() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Gets the root CA path.
- getSealedKey() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SealedPair
Returns the sealed key.
- getSealedMessage() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SealedPair
Returns the sealed message.
- getSecureRandomAlgorithm() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the secure random algorithm.
- getSecureRandomProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the provider for secure random algorithm.
- getSecurityProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the global security provider.
- getSeqNumber() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Generates a sequence number
- getSignatureProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the provider for signature algorithm.
- getSignatureScheme() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SignedPair
Gets the signature scheme used for digital signatures.
- getSignedContent() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SignedPair
Gets the signed content in the signed pair.
- getSignedObject() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SignedPair
Gets the SignedObject in the signed pair.
- getSK() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_HmacPair
Gets the secret key.
- getSslContext() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the SSL context.
- getSSLContext() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_SSLContextBuilder
Gets the SSLContext.
- getSSLContextAlgorithm() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Get channel SSL context.
- getSSLContextAlgorithm() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Settings
Gets the type of the channel.
- getSslContextProvider() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Returns the provider for SSL context.
- getSymmetricKey() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Generates a symmetric key
- getSymmetricKey() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Generates a symmetric key.
- getSymmetricKeyPBE(String, String) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Generates a symmetric key for Password Based Encryption (PBE)
- getSymmetricKeyPBE(String, String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Generates a symmetric key using a password and salt.
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Generates a time stamp
- getTimeStamp() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Retrieves the current timestamp as an Instant.
- getTSA_CertPath() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Gets the TSA CertPath.
- getValue(int) - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Params
Retrieve an object from the array of AnBx parameters
- getVers() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelMode
Get the array of version agents.
- hashCode() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Agent
- hashCode() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Params
- hashCode() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_ByteArray
- hashCode() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SealedPair
- hashCode() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SignedPair
- hk() - Static method in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
Gets the key store type for hybrid keys.
- hmacAlgorithm - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
KeyGenerator Algorithms for Hmac
- hmacAlgorithm - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The HMAC algorithm.
- hmacProvider - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The provider for HMAC algorithm.
- hmc - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
KeyStore type hmac
- ident_ks - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
the crypto store type
- ident_ks() - Static method in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
Gets the key store type for identity.
- init() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Abstract method to initialise the AnB protocol.
- init(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map, Map<String, Channel_Settings>, Crypto_Config) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Principal
Initializes AnB sessions based on provided key store settings, channel settings, and configuration.
- initProtocol() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Initialise the protocol
- initRole(Channel_SSLChannelType, R, Map<String, Channel_Settings>, Map<String, String>, Class<R>, Class<C>) - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Initialise the role
- invCheck(Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Perform an inverse check without a label for a single object.
- invCheck(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Perform an inverse check without a label for an object and a class.
- invCheck(Object, Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Perform an inverse check without a label for two objects.
- invCheck(String, Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Perform an inverse check with a label for a single object.
- invCheck(String, Object, Class<?>) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Perform an inverse check with a label for an object and a class.
- invCheck(String, Object, Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Perform an inverse check with a label for two objects.
- is_CryptoKeyStorePK() - Method in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
Checks if the key store is for public keys.
- is_CryptoKeyStoreSK() - Method in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
Checks if the key store is for secret keys.
- isAbortOnFail() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Get the value of abortOnFail.
- isAuthenticatedChannel() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Check if the communication channel is an authenticated channel.
- isAuthenticatedChannel() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Settings
Checks if the channel is authenticated.
- isCertified() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Agent
Checks if the AnBx_Agent has certificates for all specified Crypto_KeyStoreTypes.
- isCheckAnyway() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Return the value of checkAnyway
- isFirstRole(C, R) - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Get the sender role in a channel
- isFresh() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelMode
Check if the channel mode is fresh.
- isFrw() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelMode
Check if the channel mode is forward.
- isLoggingExecTimeEnabled() - Static method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Checks whether logging is currently enabled.
- isSecretChannel() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Properties
Check if the communication channel is a secret channel.
- isSecretChannel() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Settings
Checks if the channel is secret.
- keyAgreementAlgorithm - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
KeyAgreement Algorithm
- keyAgreementAlgorithm - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The key agreement algorithm.
- keyAgreementKeyPairGenerationScheme - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
KeyPairGeneration for KeyAgreement Algorithm
- keyAgreementKeyPairGenerationScheme - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The key pair generation for key agreement algorithm.
- keyAgreementProvider - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The provider for key agreement algorithm.
- keyGenerationScheme - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
KeyGenerator Algorithm Name used for dynamic key generation (Symmetric Encryption)
- keyGenerationScheme - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The key generation scheme.
- keyGenerationSchemePBE - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
SecretKeyFactory Algorithm used for Password Based Encryption (PBE) dynamic key generation (Symmetric Encryption)
- keyGenerationSchemePBE - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The key generation scheme for password-based encryption (PBE).
- keyGenerationSchemePBEProvider - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The provider for PBE key generation.
- keyGenerationSchemeProvider - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The provider for key generation.
- keyGenerationSize - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
Key length in bits for ciphers, used for dynamic key generation, supporting different key lengths
- keyGenerationSize - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The key generation size.
- keyPairGenerationScheme - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
KeyPairGenerator Algorithm dynamic creation of Key Pairs (Asymmetric Encryption)
- keyPairGenerationScheme - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The key pair generation scheme.
- keyPairGenerationSchemeProvider - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The provider for key pair generation.
- keyPairGenerationSize - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
KeyPairGenerator key length for dynamic creation of Key Pairs
- keyPairGenerationSize - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The key pair generation size.
- keypath - Static variable in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Path to the key file, set via command line parameters.
- keySize - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
Key length in bits for ciphers supporting different key lengths
- keySize - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The key size.
- kss - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
A local copy of channel properties
- LANGUAGE - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_Layers
AnBx Debug/Logging layer for language-related operations.
- layer - Static variable in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
The layer for debugging purposes.
- layer - Variable in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
The layer for the application.
- layer - Static variable in class anbxj.Channel_Server
The layer associated with the network.
- lbs - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Principal
Mapping agent identities and sessions
- lbs - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Mapping of session names to session instances.
- listAlgorithms() - Static method in class anbxj.Crypto_ProviderInformation
Prints the list of supported algorithms.
- listAliases(KeyStore, String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
Lists the aliases in the given keystore.
- listProviders() - Static method in class anbxj.Crypto_ProviderInformation
Prints the list of all supported providers.
- listProviders(boolean, AnBx_Layers) - Static method in class anbxj.Crypto_ProviderInformation
Prints the list of all supported providers with optional details.
- listProviders(AnBx_Layers) - Static method in class anbxj.Crypto_ProviderInformation
Prints the list of all supported providers, with a specific log debug layer
- localKeyStore - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
KeyStore for storing our public/private key pair
- makeDigest(Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Computes the hash of a given object with the default hashing algorithm
- makeDigest(Object) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Calculates the digest of an object.
- makeHmac(Object, String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Creates an HMAC pair using a specified alias.
- makeHmac(Object, SecretKey) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Computes the hmac of a given object with the default hashing algorithm and a specified secret key
- makeHmacRnd(Object, SecretKey) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Creates an HMAC pair using a secret key as a randomiser.
- makeHmacValue(Object, SecretKey) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Calculates the HMAC value of an object using a secret key.
- maxTimestampAgeMsec - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_TimeStampValidator
Tha maximum timestamp age in ms
- me - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
the identity of the agent
- messageDigestAlgorithm - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
MessageDigest Algorithm (Hash)
- messageDigestAlgorithm - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The message digest algorithm.
- messageDigestProvider - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The provider for message digest algorithm.
- messageDigestSignatureAlgorithm - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
MessageDigest Signature Algorithm (Hash) Corresponds to the "digest" part of "digest"with"encryption" of the Signature algorithm name
- messageDigestSignatureAlgorithm - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The message digest algorithm.
- myAlias - Static variable in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Alias for identification, set via command line parameters.
- name - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
The name of the protocol.
- NETWORK - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_Layers
AnBx Debug/Logging layer for network-related operations.
- noteqCheck(Object, Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if two objects are not equal without a specific label.
- noteqCheck(String, Object, Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if two objects are not equal with a specified label.
- OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Crypto_OutputMode
Output Mode Object
- Open() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Session
Opens the session by initiating the channel, exchanging IDs if required.
- Open() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Abstraction
Opens the channel, by invoking the checkPort method.
- Open() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Client
- Open() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Server
Opens the server channel.
- openClient(int) - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Server
Accepts a client connection and opens the stream.
- openServerSocket(int) - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Server
Opens the server socket on the specified port.
- openStream(int) - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Server
Opens the stream based on the channel type.
- OpenStreams(Socket) - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Abstraction
Opens input and output streams for the specified socket.
- out(AnBx_Layers, Object) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Print a debug message related to an object based on the debug level set and the current layer
- pk() - Static method in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
Gets the key store type for public keys.
- PLAIN - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnB_ChannelType
standard PLAIN channel
- PLAIN - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelType
Plain channel type in AnBx.
- protname - Static variable in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Name of the protocol, set via command line parameters.
- PROTOCOL - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_Layers
AnBx Debug/Logging layer for protocol-related operations.
- readConfigFile(Map<String, String>, Class<R>, R) - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Reads the properties from the config file
- readObject(String) - Static method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Writes a serialised object from the file system
- readObject(String) - Static method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Reads an object from a file.
- Receive() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Session
Receives an object using the current channel.
- Receive() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Abstraction
Receives an object from the input stream.
- Receive(Channel_Abstraction) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Receive an object from a channel
- Receive(Class<?>, List<Class<?>>, long, long) - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Abstraction
Receives an object of a specified type with additional safety checks.
- Receive_RemoteId() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Session
Receives the remote identity (AnBx_Agent) using the current channel.
- Receive_RemoteId(Channel_Abstraction) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Receive the identity of an agent from a channel
- releaseGarbage() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_TimeStampValidator
Allow objects that are no longer useful to become garbage.
- remoteKeyStore - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreBuilder
// KeyStore for storing the other public keys
- reset() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Params
Reset the array of objects to null
- role - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
The role of the protocol.
- role - Variable in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Role enumeration, set via command line parameters.
- run() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Server_Runnable
Runs the channel server.
- run(AnB_Protocol<S, R>) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Principal
Runs the specified AnB protocol.
- run(AnB_Protocol<S, R>, long) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Principal
Runs the specified AnB protocol with a specified number of sessions.
- run(Map<String, AnB_Session>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Runs the protocol with the given maps of sessions and aliases.
- run(Map<String, AnB_Session>, Map<String, String>, long) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Abstract method to run the AnB protocol.
- safeReadObject(Class<?>, List<Class<?>>, long, long, InputStream) - Static method in class anbxj.Channel_Abstraction
A method to replace the unsafe ObjectInputStream.readObject() method built into Java.
- SECRET - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelType
Secret channel type in AnBx.
- secureRandomAlgorithm - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
SecureRandom Number Generation Algorithm
- secureRandomAlgorithm - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The secure random algorithm.
- secureRandomProvider - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The provider for secure random algorithm.
- securityProvider - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
The default security provider
- securityProvider - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The global security provider.
- seen(Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if the specified object has been seen.
- seen(String, Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if the specified object has been seen with a given label.
- Send(Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Session
Sends an object using the current channel.
- Send(Object) - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Abstraction
Sends an object through the output stream.
- Send(Object, Channel_Abstraction) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Send an object over a channel
- Send_Id() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Session
Sends the local identity (me) using the current channel.
- Send_Id(AnBx_Agent, Channel_Abstraction) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Send the identity of an agent over a channel
- server - Variable in class anbxj.Channel_Server
The server socket used for communication.
- SERVER - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Channel_Roles
Server role
- serverText - Variable in class anbxj.Channel_Server_Runnable
The server text.
- SESSION - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.AnBx_Layers
AnBx Debug/Logging layer for session-related operations.
- sessions - Static variable in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Number of sessions for the protocol.
- sessions - Static variable in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Number of sessions for the protocol run, set via command line parameters.
- setAbortOnFail(boolean) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Set the value of abortOnFail.
- setALL(boolean) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Enable/disable all debug levels
- setAPPLICATION(boolean) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Enable/disable the APPLICATION debug level
- setAppname(String) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Set the application name
- setBUSINESS_LOGIC(boolean) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Enable/disable the BUSINESS_LOGIC debug level
- setCertificateType(String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Sets the certificate type.
- setChannel(Channel_Abstraction) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Session
Sets the current channel.
- setCheckAnyway(boolean) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Set the value of checkAnyway.
- setDebug(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Enable/disable individual debug level
- setENCRYPTION(boolean) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Enable/disable the ENCRYPTION debug level
- setEXCEPTION(boolean) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Enable/disable the EXCEPTION debug level
- setId_Remote(AnBx_Agent) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Session
Sets the remote identity (AnBx_Agent).
- setKeyStoreType(String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Sets the key store type.
- setLANGUAGE(boolean) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
set the LANGUAGE debug level
- setLayer(AnBx_Layers) - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Set the debug level
- setLoggingExecTimeEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Sets the logging state for performance measurements.
- setMaxRetries(int) - Static method in class anbxj.Channel_Client
set the max number of attempts if the client is unable to connect to the server
- setMyIdentity() - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Set the identity of the current agent
- setNETWORK(boolean) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Enable/disable the NETWORK debug level
- setPROTOCOL(boolean) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Enable/disable the PROTOCOL debug level
- setRetryDelayMs(int) - Static method in class anbxj.Channel_Client
set the time interval between connection attempts
- setRootCA(String) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreSettings
Sets the root CA path.
- setSESSION(boolean) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_Debug
Enable/disable the SESSION debug level
- setTimeoutMs(int) - Static method in class anbxj.Channel_Client
Set the channel timeout
- setTSA_CertPath() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Sets the TSA CertPath by retrieving it from the KeyStoreBuilder.
- setTSA_CertPath(CertPath) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Sets the TSA CertPath.
- setup(Channel_Properties) - Static method in class anbxj.Channel
Sets up a channel based on the provided properties.
- Setup(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Setup a AnB_Crypto_Wrapper for a specified key store setting map
- Setup(Crypto_KeyStoreSettings_Map, Crypto_Config) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Setup a AnB_Crypto_Wrapper for a specified key store setting map and cryptographic configuration
- sharepath - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
The path for sharing data in the protocol.
- sharepath - Static variable in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Path to the shared resources, set via command line parameters.
- sig - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
KeyStore type signature
- sign(Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Signs an object with the private key of the current agent retrieved from the default key store
- sign(Object, Crypto_KeyPair) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Signs an object with a private key retrieved from the specified key pair
- sign(Object, Crypto_KeyPair) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Signs an object using the private key from the provided key pair.
- sign(Object, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Signs an object with the private key of the current agent retrieved from a specified key store
- sign(Object, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Signs an object using the private key associated with the specified key store type.
- signatureProvider - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The provider for signature algorithm.
- SIGNED_OBJECT - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Crypto_OutputMode
Output Mode Signed Object
- size() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Params
Get the size of the array of objects
- sk() - Static method in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
Gets the key store type for secret keys.
- SSL_AUTH - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Channel_SSLChannelType
SSL channel with authentication.
- SSL_NONE - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Channel_SSLChannelType
No SSL channel.
- SSL_PLAIN - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Channel_SSLChannelType
Plain SSL channel.
- SSL_SECRET - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Channel_SSLChannelType
SSL channel with secret features.
- SSL_SECURE - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Channel_SSLChannelType
Secure SSL channel.
- sslContext - Static variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config_Default
SSL Context
- sslContext - Variable in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
The SSL context.
- status(S) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Outputs the status of the protocol with a specific step.
- status(S, Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Outputs the status of the protocol with a specific step and payload.
- statusLabel(String) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Outputs the status label for a check with a given label.
- String2ChannelType(String) - Static method in enum class anbxj.Channel_SSLChannelType
Returns the corresponding SSL channel type given a string The string should be a valid SSL channel type name
- terminate(String) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Terminates the protocol after an error occurs and prints a message
- terminate(String, String[]) - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Terminates the protocol after an error occurs and prints a message along with the arguments passed.
- testStr(String) - Static method in class anbxj.Crypto_Config
Checks if a string is not null and not empty.
- tls - Enum constant in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
KeyStore type TLS
- toString() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Agent
- toString() - Method in class anbxj.AnBx_Params
- toString() - Method in class anbxj.Channel_Settings
Generates a string representation of the channel settings.
- toString() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_ByteArray
- toString() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_HmacPair
Returns a string representation of the Crypto_HmacPair.
- toString() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SealedPair
- toString() - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_SignedPair
- usage() - Static method in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Computes the usage string for the given protocol
- validateNonce(byte[], long) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_TimeStampValidator
Throw an exception if the nonce has been validated previously.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class anbxj.AnB_ChannelType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class anbxj.AnBx_Layers
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class anbxj.Channel_Roles
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class anbxj.Channel_SSLChannelType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class anbxj.Crypto_OutputMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class anbxj.AnB_ChannelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class anbxj.AnBx_ChannelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class anbxj.AnBx_Layers
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class anbxj.Channel_Roles
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class anbxj.Channel_SSLChannelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class anbxj.Crypto_KeyStoreType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class anbxj.Crypto_OutputMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- verify(SignedObject, String) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Verifies a SignedObject with a private key retrieved from the default key store associated to an agent identified by an alias
- verify(SignedObject, String, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Verifies a SignedObject with a private key retrieved from a specified key store associated to an agent identified by an alias
- verify(SignedObject, String, Crypto_KeyStoreType) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Verifies a SignedObject using the public key associated with the specified alias and key store type.
- verify(SignedObject, PublicKey) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Verifies a SignedObject with a specified public key
- verify(SignedObject, PublicKey) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Verifies a SignedObject using the provided public key.
- vflag - Static variable in class anbxj.AnBx_CommandLine_Parser
Verbose flag, set via command line parameters.
- wffCheck(Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) without a specific label.
- wffCheck(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) with a specified class type.
- wffCheck(String, Object) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) with a specified label.
- wffCheck(String, Object, Class<?>) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) with a specified label and class type.
- writeObject(Object, String) - Static method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Writes a serialised object to the file system
- writeObject(Object, String) - Static method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Writes an object to a file.
- xor(Crypto_ByteArray, Crypto_ByteArray) - Method in class anbxj.AnB_Crypto_Wrapper
Computes the xor of two Crypto_ByteArrays
- xor(Crypto_ByteArray, Crypto_ByteArray) - Method in class anbxj.Crypto_EncryptionEngine
Performs bitwise XOR on two Crypto_ByteArrays and returns the result.
- zero - Variable in class anbxj.AnB_Protocol
A byte array of zeros used in the protocol.
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