Package anbxj

Class Channel_Abstraction

Direct Known Subclasses:
Channel_Client, Channel_Server

public abstract class Channel_Abstraction extends Object
Channel Abstraction: a class abstracting TCP/IP channel
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Channel_Abstraction

      public Channel_Abstraction(Channel_Properties cp)
      Constructor for Channel Abstraction.
      cp - Channel properties for the abstraction.
  • Method Details

    • Close

      public void Close()
      Close channel streams
    • getChannelRole

      public Channel_Roles getChannelRole()
      Gets the role of the channel.
      Channel role.
    • checkPort

      protected void checkPort()
      Checks if the provided port is within the valid range.
    • Open

      public void Open()
      Opens the channel, by invoking the checkPort method.
    • OpenStreams

      protected void OpenStreams(Socket s)
      Opens input and output streams for the specified socket.
      s - Socket for which to open streams.
    • Receive

      public Object Receive()
      Receives an object from the input stream.
      Received object.
    • Receive

      public <T> T Receive(Class<?> type, List<Class<?>> safeClasses, long maxObjects, long maxBytes)
      Receives an object of a specified type with additional safety checks.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Parametric type.
      type - Class representing the object type expected to be returned.
      safeClasses - List of Classes allowed in the serialized object being read.
      maxObjects - Maximum number of objects allowed inside the serialized object being read.
      maxBytes - Maximum number of bytes allowed to be read from the InputStream.
      Received object of the specified type.
    • safeReadObject

      public static <T> T safeReadObject(Class<?> type, List<Class<?>> safeClasses, long maxObjects, long maxBytes, InputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
      A method to replace the unsafe ObjectInputStream.readObject() method built into Java. This method checks to be sure the classes referenced are safe, the number of objects is limited to something sane, and the number of bytes is limited to a reasonable number. The returned Object is also cast to the specified type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Parametric type
      type - Class representing the object type expected to be returned
      safeClasses - List of Classes allowed in serialized object being read
      maxObjects - long representing the maximum number of objects allowed inside the serialized object being read
      maxBytes - long representing the maximum number of bytes allowed to be read from the InputStream
      in - InputStream containing an untrusted serialized object
      Object read from the stream (cast to the Class of the type parameter)
      IOException - I/O error exception
      ClassNotFoundException - Class not found exception
    • Send

      public void Send(Object obj)
      Sends an object through the output stream.
      obj - Object to be sent.