Package anbxj

Class AnB_Protocol<S extends Enum<?>,R extends Enum<?>>

Type Parameters:
S - class steps
R - roles class
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AnB_Protocol<S extends Enum<?>,R extends Enum<?>> extends Object
AnB Protocol: an abstract class for defining AnB protocols
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected Map<String,String>
    Mapping of aliases for protocol roles.
    protected static final AnBx_Layers
    The layer for debugging purposes.
    Mapping of session names to session instances.
    protected String
    The name of the protocol.
    protected R
    The role of the protocol.
    protected static long
    Number of sessions for the protocol.
    protected String
    The path for sharing data in the protocol.
    A byte array of zeros used in the protocol.
  • Constructor Summary

    Default constructor
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected void
    Abort the protocol with a specified error message
    protected void
    abort(String msg, Exception e, long sessionID)
    Abort the protocol with a specified error message, exception, and session ID.
    protected boolean
    eqCheck(Object obj1, Object obj2)
    Checks if two objects are equal without a specific label.
    protected boolean
    eqCheck(Object obj1, Object obj2, boolean mayfail)
    Checks if two objects are equal with a flag indicating possible failure.
    protected boolean
    eqCheck(String label, Object obj1, Object obj2)
    Checks if two objects are equal with a specified label.
    protected boolean
    eqCheck(String label, Object obj1, Object obj2, boolean mayfail)
    Checks if two objects are equal with a specified label and a flag indicating possible failure.
    protected abstract void
    Abstract method to execute a step in the AnB protocol.
    protected String
    Get the alias for the current role.
    protected abstract void
    Abstract method to initialise the AnB protocol.
    protected boolean
    Perform an inverse check without a label for a single object.
    protected boolean
    invCheck(Object obj, Class<?> cls)
    Perform an inverse check without a label for an object and a class.
    protected boolean
    invCheck(Object obj1, Object obj2)
    Perform an inverse check without a label for two objects.
    protected boolean
    invCheck(String label, Object obj)
    Perform an inverse check with a label for a single object.
    protected boolean
    invCheck(String label, Object obj, Class<?> cls)
    Perform an inverse check with a label for an object and a class.
    protected boolean
    invCheck(String label, Object obj1, Object obj2)
    Perform an inverse check with a label for two objects.
    protected boolean
    Get the value of abortOnFail.
    protected boolean
    Return the value of checkAnyway
    protected boolean
    noteqCheck(Object obj1, Object obj2)
    Checks if two objects are not equal without a specific label.
    protected boolean
    noteqCheck(String label, Object obj1, Object obj2)
    Checks if two objects are not equal with a specified label.
    Runs the protocol with the given maps of sessions and aliases.
    abstract void
    run(Map<String,AnB_Session> lbs, Map<String,String> aliases, long sessions)
    Abstract method to run the AnB protocol.
    protected boolean
    seen(Object obj)
    Checks if the specified object has been seen.
    protected boolean
    seen(String label, Object obj)
    Checks if the specified object has been seen with a given label.
    protected void
    setAbortOnFail(boolean abortOnFail)
    Set the value of abortOnFail.
    protected void
    setCheckAnyway(boolean checkAnyway)
    Set the value of checkAnyway.
    protected void
    status(S step)
    Outputs the status of the protocol with a specific step.
    protected void
    status(S step, Object payload)
    Outputs the status of the protocol with a specific step and payload.
    protected void
    Outputs the status label for a check with a given label.
    protected boolean
    Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) without a specific label.
    protected boolean
    wffCheck(Object obj, Class<?> cls)
    Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) with a specified class type.
    protected boolean
    wffCheck(String label, Object obj)
    Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) with a specified label.
    protected boolean
    wffCheck(String label, Object obj, Class<?> cls)
    Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) with a specified label and class type.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • layer

      protected static final AnBx_Layers layer
      The layer for debugging purposes.
    • name

      protected String name
      The name of the protocol.
    • sharepath

      protected String sharepath
      The path for sharing data in the protocol.
    • role

      protected R extends Enum<?> role
      The role of the protocol.
    • aliases

      protected Map<String,String> aliases
      Mapping of aliases for protocol roles.
    • lbs

      protected Map<String,AnB_Session> lbs
      Mapping of session names to session instances.
    • sessions

      protected static long sessions
      Number of sessions for the protocol.
    • zero

      protected Crypto_ByteArray zero
      A byte array of zeros used in the protocol.
  • Constructor Details

    • AnB_Protocol

      public AnB_Protocol()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run(Map<String,AnB_Session> lbs, Map<String,String> aliases)
      Runs the protocol with the given maps of sessions and aliases.
      lbs - Mapping of session names to session instances.
      aliases - Mapping of aliases for protocol roles.
    • run

      public abstract void run(Map<String,AnB_Session> lbs, Map<String,String> aliases, long sessions)
      Abstract method to run the AnB protocol.
      lbs - The map of session IDs to AnB sessions.
      aliases - The map of role names to their corresponding aliases.
      sessions - The number of sessions for the protocol.
    • executeStep

      protected abstract void executeStep(AnB_Session lbs, S step)
      Abstract method to execute a step in the AnB protocol.
      lbs - The AnB session for the role.
      step - The step to execute.
    • init

      protected abstract void init()
      Abstract method to initialise the AnB protocol.
    • isAbortOnFail

      protected boolean isAbortOnFail()
      Get the value of abortOnFail.
      true if the protocol should abort on failure, false otherwise.
    • setAbortOnFail

      protected void setAbortOnFail(boolean abortOnFail)
      Set the value of abortOnFail.
      abortOnFail - The value to set for abortOnFail.
    • isCheckAnyway

      protected boolean isCheckAnyway()
      Return the value of checkAnyway
      the checkAnyway
    • setCheckAnyway

      protected void setCheckAnyway(boolean checkAnyway)
      Set the value of checkAnyway.
      checkAnyway - The value to set for checkAnyway.
    • abort

      protected void abort(String msg)
      Abort the protocol with a specified error message
      msg - The error message.
    • abort

      protected void abort(String msg, Exception e, long sessionID)
      Abort the protocol with a specified error message, exception, and session ID.
      msg - The error message.
      e - The exception (can be null).
      sessionID - The session ID.
    • getAlias

      protected String getAlias()
      Get the alias for the current role.
      The alias for the current role.
    • invCheck

      protected boolean invCheck(String label, Object obj1, Object obj2)
      Perform an inverse check with a label for two objects.
      label - The label for the check.
      obj1 - The first object.
      obj2 - The second object.
      True if the check is successful, false otherwise.
    • invCheck

      protected boolean invCheck(String label, Object obj, Class<?> cls)
      Perform an inverse check with a label for an object and a class.
      label - The label for the check.
      obj - The object.
      cls - The class to check against.
      True if the check is successful, false otherwise.
    • invCheck

      protected boolean invCheck(String label, Object obj)
      Perform an inverse check with a label for a single object.
      label - The label for the check.
      obj - The object.
      True if the check is successful, false otherwise.
    • invCheck

      protected boolean invCheck(Object obj1, Object obj2)
      Perform an inverse check without a label for two objects.
      obj1 - The first object.
      obj2 - The second object.
      True if the check is successful, false otherwise.
    • invCheck

      protected boolean invCheck(Object obj, Class<?> cls)
      Perform an inverse check without a label for an object and a class.
      obj - The object.
      cls - The class to check against.
      True if the check is successful, false otherwise.
    • invCheck

      protected boolean invCheck(Object obj)
      Perform an inverse check without a label for a single object.
      obj - The object.
      True if the check is successful, false otherwise.
    • wffCheck

      protected boolean wffCheck(String label, Object obj)
      Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) with a specified label.
      label - the label for the check
      obj - the object to be checked
      true if the object is a well-formed formula, false otherwise
    • wffCheck

      protected boolean wffCheck(String label, Object obj, Class<?> cls)
      Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) with a specified label and class type.
      label - the label for the check
      obj - the object to be checked
      cls - the expected class type for the object
      true if the object is a well-formed formula, false otherwise
    • wffCheck

      protected boolean wffCheck(Object obj)
      Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) without a specific label.
      obj - the object to be checked
      true if the object is a well-formed formula, false otherwise
    • wffCheck

      protected boolean wffCheck(Object obj, Class<?> cls)
      Checks if the given object is a well-formed formula (WFF) with a specified class type.
      obj - the object to be checked
      cls - the expected class type for the object
      true if the object is a well-formed formula, false otherwise
    • noteqCheck

      protected boolean noteqCheck(String label, Object obj1, Object obj2)
      Checks if two objects are not equal with a specified label.
      label - the label for the check
      obj1 - the first object to be compared
      obj2 - the second object to be compared
      true if the objects are not equal, false otherwise
    • noteqCheck

      protected boolean noteqCheck(Object obj1, Object obj2)
      Checks if two objects are not equal without a specific label.
      obj1 - the first object to be compared
      obj2 - the second object to be compared
      true if the objects are not equal, false otherwise
    • eqCheck

      protected boolean eqCheck(String label, Object obj1, Object obj2)
      Checks if two objects are equal with a specified label.
      label - the label for the check
      obj1 - the first object to be compared
      obj2 - the second object to be compared
      true if the objects are equal, false otherwise
    • eqCheck

      protected boolean eqCheck(String label, Object obj1, Object obj2, boolean mayfail)
      Checks if two objects are equal with a specified label and a flag indicating possible failure.
      label - the label for the check
      obj1 - the first object to be compared
      obj2 - the second object to be compared
      mayfail - flag indicating whether the check may fail
      true if the objects are equal, false otherwise
    • eqCheck

      protected boolean eqCheck(Object obj1, Object obj2)
      Checks if two objects are equal without a specific label.
      obj1 - the first object to be compared
      obj2 - the second object to be compared
      true if the objects are equal, false otherwise
    • eqCheck

      protected boolean eqCheck(Object obj1, Object obj2, boolean mayfail)
      Checks if two objects are equal with a flag indicating possible failure.
      obj1 - the first object to be compared
      obj2 - the second object to be compared
      mayfail - flag indicating whether the check may fail
      true if the objects are equal, false otherwise
    • seen

      protected boolean seen(String label, Object obj)
      Checks if the specified object has been seen with a given label.
      label - the label for the check
      obj - the object to be checked
      true if the object has been seen before, false otherwise
    • seen

      protected boolean seen(Object obj)
      Checks if the specified object has been seen.
      obj - the object to be checked
      true if the object has been seen before, false otherwise
    • status

      protected void status(S step)
      Outputs the status of the protocol with a specific step.
      step - the step in the protocol
    • statusLabel

      protected void statusLabel(String label)
      Outputs the status label for a check with a given label.
      label - the label for the check
    • status

      protected void status(S step, Object payload)
      Outputs the status of the protocol with a specific step and payload.
      step - the step in the protocol
      payload - the payload associated with the step